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New York City, USA

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    On December 1st, 2011, Uddin’s house was burglarized into; a reality that so many people face at least once in their lifetime. The robbers stole tons of valuable assets, including but not limited to, money, electronics, accessories (bags, jewelry, designer high end things) etc.

    Luckily, everyone remained unharmed & were out of the house that afternoon. Uddin lost all her prized possessions that day, especially all her hand-me-down jewelry pieces from a few generations ago that would be worth so much today. She wanted to keep them forever & perhaps one day give them to her children. That is no longer a reality. Instead, the reality was Uddin was crippled with anxiety, depression & couldn’t leave her house and be alone for too long. Everyone in the family felt violated that someone could just come into their home, their personal space & just take away all their valuable highly coveted goods. It took awhile for Uddin to get back on her feet, and now she wants to give back by sending a message: trauma does not have to define you; you define you. You may fall & that’s okay, as long as you get right back up and keep trying.

    Uddin hasn’t worn any jewelry at all for over a decade & a half since the burglary. She didn’t feel comfortable. She was truly scared to & almost paralyzed thinking of even doing so. That all changed when she started her own brand: Uddin Accessories, where you can wear designer products & not have it break the bank. These are pieces where you can feel both comfortable leaving in the home, are easily replaceable & you can also wear it outside. These are trending pieces that make you feel brave, confident, powerful & most of all: YOU.